18 / 11 / 2014

THE DAY OF THE RUSSIAN GLASS INDUSTRY WORKERS The Mir Stekla exhibition team and Expocentre congratulate all of those who work in the glass industry enterprises throughout Russia with the Day of Glass Industry Workers.

Dear professionals!

The production of glass goes back several thousand years. The first glass factory in Russia was built in the early 17th century. Since the 19th century the production and consumption of glass in Russia have become widespread.

Thanks to Mikhail Lomonosov who invented a number of new technologies and formulas to create colored glass, porcelain and mosaics we can enjoy not only practical qualities of glass, but also aesthetics, which gives us this fragile material, subjected to different processing methods.

November 19, which is the birthday of the great scientist, was celebrated as the glass-blowers day. Now this date is set as the Day of the Russian Glass Industry Workers.

In this difficult time we wish that the glass industry continues to grow and remain an important connecting link in the production sector. We wish you every success and prosperity of your business!

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